It may be said that the Englishman never really makes a decision. He broods; and when he has been brooding for a certain time, he suddenly realizes, not that he has decided something, but that something has been decided. How does he realize this? It is when he discovers that he has begun to take action. It may be that an event has suddenly happened which has forced him to take action immediately. In any case, once he has made the discovery, he hesitates no longer. He has been committed by the action which he has taken rapidly and instinctively. He follows it out to the end, without asking where it is going to lead him, without a plan, but without
turning to the right or the left and without letting go. Later on, he finds reasons to explain his action, but it is not as the result of reasoning that he takes action at the beginning.
(質問1)It may be that an event has suddenly...とありますが、具体的にどんなeventだと思われますか。
(質問2)he finds reasons to explain his actionとはどういうことでしょうか?(文字通りには訳せます)
(質問3)最終文のit is not as the result of reasoning that he takes action...は問題集によると強調構文だとのことですが、これを生徒にやらせたところ、(1)it=that以下、(2)that以下はreasonの目的語、(3)強調構文といろいろに別れ、説明に困りました。皆さんならどのように納得のいく説明をされるでしょうか?
(質問4)reasoningとは何ですか?(単語の意味は分かります)これは最初の文のmakes a decisionと関係があるのでしょうか?
(質問5)he takes action at the beginning(最初に行動に移る)何のことかよく分かりません。
回答者さんの訳の方がスマートでいいですね。 ありがとうございます。