The Dark Glassesからの英文です。
I broke the glasses by sitting on them during my school holidays two years later.
My grandmother said, after she had sighed, "It's time you had your eyes tested--"
"--eyes tested in any case," said my aunt when she had sighed.
I washed my hair the night before and put a wave in it. Next morning at eleven I walked down to Mr Simmonds's with one of my grandmother's long hat-pins in my blazer pocket. The shop front had been done up, with gold lettering on the glass door: Basil Simmonds, Optician, followed by a string of letters which, so far as I remember, were FBOA, AIC, and others.
Muriel SparkのThe Dark Glassesからの英文です。
● I washed my hair the night before and put a wave in it.について
● Mr Simmonds'sのところが、Mr Simmonds'となっていないのはどうしてなのでしょうか?
given by my aunt who lives とすると あまりにも教科書英語っぽいと思ったんですが、 それも不自然か思ったんで質問したんですが、 質問文のように英文がおかしくなりました。 アレンジして使いたいと思います。 回答どうもありがとうございました!