in 2013, more people were added to the rolls of those on lifesaving treatment for HIV/AIDS than the number who were newly infected.
That crossover of trend lines should mark the beginning of the end of AIDS.
Say those last seven words out loud and wonder at them. How did we get to a position that, had it been suggested not long ago, would have been thought impossible? Because of brave, stubborn activists; brilliant scientists and their generous funders; dedicated doctors and nurses; patients who fought for a chance to live; and officials and politicians of all political stripes and none who devised programs that gave those patients hope. And just to be clear, those countless heroes and heroines came from all over the world.
But when, at the National Institutes of Health in 2011, Hillary Clinton, then U.S. Secretary of State, said, “In the story of this fight, America’s name comes up time and time again … No institution in the world has done more than the United States government,” she was speaking not hyperbole but truth.
For here is what seems like a secret but shouldn’t be: in the past decade, Americans and their Presidents have done a great thing.
2003年に、エイズの新しい感染者より、lifesaving treatment(エイズとの共存)を受けるものの人数が多くなった。・・・つい最近になって「エイズの終わりの始まり」がsuggestされるようになったとしたら、その不可能と思わえたpositionにどうやって到達出来たのか?・・・because of以下に、いろいろ理由が書いてあります。
質問(1)and officials and politicians of all political stripes and none who devised programs that gave those patients hope.のnoneの意味が掴めません。devisedの主語がnoneだと、意味的に変なのでallと関連してるのかと考えているのですが、分かりません。
質問(2)For here is what seems like a secret but shouldn’t be.どう訳したらいいでしょう?Forの前に何か補うとうまく訳せそうですがどうでしょうか?
googoo1956様 大変わかりやすいご説明をしていただきありがとうございます。 これまでにお答えいただいた回答と合わせ、かなり自分の中でクリアになりました。自分にとって難しい英文を精読することは根気が要りますが、積み重ねることによって力がつきますね。