The ample fig leaf served our artistic forefathers well as a botanical shield against indecent exposure for Adam and Eve, our naked parents in the primeval bliss and innocence of Eden. Yet, in many ancient paintings, foliage hides more than Adam's genitalia; a wandering vine covers his navel as well. If modesty enjoined the genital shroud, a very different motive-mystery-placed a plant over his belly. In a theological debate more portentous than the old argument about angels on pinpoints, many earnest people of faith had wondered whether Adam had a navel.
He was, after all, not born of a woman and required no remnant of his nonexistent umbilical cord. Yet, in creating a prototype, would not God make his first man like all the rest to follow? Would God, in other words, not create with the appearance of pre-existence? In the absence of definite guidance to resolve this vexatious issue, and not wishing to incur anyone's wrath, many painters literally hedged and covered Adam's belly.
A few centuries later, as the nascent science of geology gathered evidence for the earth's enormous antiquity, some advocates of biblical literalism revived this old argument for our entire planet. The strata and their entombed fossils surely seem to represent a sequential record of countless years, but wouldn't God create his earth with the appearance of pre-existence? Why should we not believe that he created strata and fossils to give modern life a harmonious order by granting it a sensible (if illusory) past? As God provided Adam with a navel to stress continuity with future men, so too did he endow a pristine world with the appearance of an ordered history. Thus, the earth might be but a few thousand years old, as Genesis literally affirmed, and still record an apparent tale of untold eons. (Adam's navel by Stephen Jay Gould)
1) 3段落目にThe strata and their entombed fossils surely seem to represent a sequential record of countless years, but wouldn't God create his earth with the appearance of pre-existence? Why should we not believe that he created strata and fossils to give modern life a harmonious order by granting it a sensible (if illusory) past? とあるのですが、
but wouldn't God create his earth ~とWhy should we not believe that he created strata ~の個所は修辞疑問文ですか?また、この疑問文は聖書の直訳主義の一部の主唱者の意見ですか?
2) Thus, the earth might be but a few thousand years old, as Genesis literally affirmed, and still record an apparent tale of untold eons.
この英文のthe earth might be but a few thousand years oldの個所のbutはどういう意味ですか?
still record an apparent tale of untold eons.の言っている意味がよくわかりません。
まずは最後までおつきあいいただいたことに感謝したいと思います。 さて、さすがはNative Speakerさんのお話やあらん、といったところで、実にスマートで意味の通る訳文ですね! 実際の訳としては、僕が最後にまとめた意味合いがなんとか似通っていたようで安心しました。結局、realityはSingolloさんの通り「ギャップ」だったわけですね。 そしてこれもまたSingolloさんの仰る通り、「the relation」の前に省略されていた(敢えて省略していた?何よりこれが元凶でした)言葉はつまり、 showing ですね。ああ、長かったですね(涙)。 で、原文に略されていた言葉を付け足すと、 Like the Eliza of Pygmalion fame, it can be made to appear even more civilized, (whether to show) the relation of appearance to reality, however, (is) remaining in the domain of the playwright. ピグマリオンで知られるElizaのように、ELIZAも、外見をもっと洗練されたものにすることができる。しかし、外見と現実のギャップを明示するか否かは、the playwright の領分に留まっている ということでほぼ間違いないと思います。細かい点に気になったら、それこそ著者自身に聞かないとわかりませんけどね(汗)。 最後に、Native Speakerさんの仰るようにELIZAに関する論文は悪名高いことで有名です。概略の部分から言い訳がましいことを述べ、導入の部分でも「他の人工知能プログラムは大したことはないが、このELIZAは違う」などということを堂々と書いています。いろいろな意味で有名な論文なんだそうです(笑)。 というわけで、これで結論が出たということでこの質問を締め切らせていただきたいと思います。 結局のところやはり非常に難解な文章ではありましたが、皆さんの鋭いご意見のおかげでようやくこの文章の意味がおおよそ掴めましたことに、心よりの感謝の意を述べたいと思います。最後までおつきあいいただき本当にありがとうございました。またいつかご助力を願いたい時には、なにとぞよろしくお願いします。 PS. Yutaではなく、実はYuyaだったんです(笑)。