問 次の文の趣旨として、妥当なのはどれか。
There is one abstract politicalterm in England which is fairly widely used and has a loose but well-understood meaning attached to it.This is the word "democracy".
In a way ,the Engilish people do feel that they live in a democratic country.Not that anyone is so stupid as to take this in a literal sense.If democracy means either popular rule or social equality,it is clear that British is not democratic . It is,however, democratic in the secondary sense which has attached itself to that word since the rise of Hitler. To begin with,minorities have some power of making themselves heard. But more than this,public opinion cannot be disregarded when it chooses to express itself.It many have to work in indirect ways, by strikes, demonstrations and letters to the newspapers,but it can visibly do affect government policy.
本文にはハッキリと「If democracy means either popular rule or social equality,it is clear that British is not democratic .」と書かれてある。
本文にはハッキリと、「the Engilish people do feel that they live in a democratic country.Not that anyone is so stupid as to take this in a literal sense.」とあり、イギリス人が民主主義の国だと考える人などいないわけだから、この選択肢は不適切であると考えました。
そうなんですね! すごく気になってたもので… 詳しい回答ありがとうございます。