a large house, a big house, a little house, a small house 全部使えます。
big, large
big and large have the same meaning, but large is slightly more formal and more likely to be used in written than spoken English (big と large は同じ意味である。しかし、largeはわずかに格式ばった言い方で、会話より書き言葉の方に多く使われる)
• a big lunch
• a large house (ちなみに同辞典で big を引くと a big house もあり、両方使えると言うこと)
large is used with quantity words such as 'number' and 'amount'
(large はnumberやamountなどの量を示す語と一緒に使われる)
• large amounts of money
• a large proportion of the students
WORD CHOICE: big, tall, high
big is not used just to describe a person's height. It is used to describe a child who is growing, or a person who is heavy, with a lot of fat or muscle on their body.(big は人の身長を言うのではない。身体が大きく育っている途中の子供、脂肪や筋肉の量が多く体重の重い人について使う→身長ではなく身体の大きさ)
tall is used to describe a person's height. It can also be used to describe trees, buildings, or other things that are narrow and measure a long distance from bottom to top (tall は人の身長を表す。また、木、ビルなど細身の物にも用い、下から上までの長さを言う)
• She is tall and thin.
• the tallest building in London
high is used to describe things or places that are a long way from the ground
(high は物や場所の地面からの距離を表す)
• a high shelf
• the highest mountain in the world
small, little
Small is a very general word for talking about the size of something(small は物の大きさを言う時の一般的な語)
• a small village
• a small man
• He had small brown eyes.
• The envelope was too small.
• Do you have this shirt in a smaller size?
Little is used, especially in spoken English, to show how you feel about someone or something small, for example to show that you like them, dislike them, or feel sorry for them
( little は特に会話で使われ、小さい人や物についての話者の感情を表す。例えば、それが好きだったり、嫌いだったり、哀れんだりと言った感情)
• What lovely little cakes!
• her horrid little dog!!
You can say 'smaller' or 'smallest', but do not say 'littler' or 'littlest'
(smaller, smallest は使えるが、littler littlest はない)
• Her feet are even smaller (NOT littler/more little) than mine.!!
You can use words like 'quite', 'very' and 'too' in front of small, but do not use them with little • a very small car (NOT very little car) ('quite', 'very' 'too' などはsmallの前において使えるが、littleには使わない)