This weekend we planned a campout for our 8-year-old son and a few of his friends. Parents were all happy to allow their children to attend even after we realized it was Easter weekend. However, one mother was insistent that I create a treat basket to give the kids from the Easter Bunny. My family does not celebrate this, and the other children camping with us all are aware of the nonexistence of the bunny. She wanted us to hold a special meeting, pre-campout, to explain to all the children that her son still believes and that we all need to keep up the facade. I politely rescinded my offer to take her child explaining that we have different goals for this campout and different beliefs. That while having her son with us, we would not be able to “keep the magic alive,” as she says, and it is unfair to ask a group of five 8-year-olds to lie to a friend.
the kids from the Easter Bunnyはどのような意味でしょうか?あと、That while having her son with usの訳と文法的解説をよろしくお願いします
自分でもおかしいと思っていた「幼い子供」は「little」かただの[child]で納得です。 Wonderful songs / tunes will surely be enjoyed by children forever. これも直訳でないまったく自然で素敵な表現ですね~! また「生き続ける」を「will stay in children's mind」なんて、納得しきりです。(思いつくべきだったのにこれがなかなかで。。) 両方ともすばらしい表現です! ありがとうございました! PS [still a 」の順番なのに間違ってましたね!スミmセン。