• ベストアンサー

between A and B 構文で再帰代名詞は使えない?

between A and B 構文で、between himself and her のように再帰代名詞は使えないと聞いたのですが、本当にそうなのでしょうか?


  • ベストアンサー

himself の方が her より長いので、不格好ではあります。普通はあっさり between them でしょう。 ただし、between oneself and X および、between X and oneself が非文と言うことはありません。 Washington Post のサイトでググって見ました。 The president swore he couldn't recall gifts exchanged between Monica Lewinsky and himself. A few questions later, Bush made the distance between Abramoff and himself even longer. Bradley is trying hard to point out contrasts between Gore and himself. Sally had viewed Brooke as a wedge between Lee and herself. Bush indicated that he sees no distance between himself and his vice president. And, until recently, he's sought to create distance between himself and Iran. But he said there will be a firewall between himself and the firm's lobbyists. Braden said the Kim family's struggle prompted a conversation between herself and her husband about what they would have done in a similar situation.


その他の回答 (1)


使えますよ。 だって、そういいたいときってあるじゃないですか?

