(307) You yourself……この英文はどのように訳せばよいでしょうか
(307) You yourself……この英文はどのように訳せばよいでしょうか
(1)You yourself wait until the season for sailing is come, and then haul your swift ship down to the sea and stow a convenient cargo in it, so that you may bring home profit, even as your father and mine, foolish Perses, used to sail on shipboard because he lacked sufficient livelihood. (2)And one day he came to this very place crossing over a great stretch of sea; he left Aeolian Cyme and fled, not from riches and substance, but from wretched poverty which Zeus lays upon men, and he settled near Helicon in a miserable hamlet, Ascra, which is bad in winter, sultry in summer, and good at no time.
次の文章は“Works and Days” by Evelyn Whiteの一節です。
(1)You yourself wait until the season for sailing is come, and then haul your swift ship down to the sea and stow a convenient cargo in it, so that you may bring home profit, even as your father and mine, foolish Perses, used to sail on shipboard because he lacked sufficient livelihood.
(a) You yourself wait until the season for sailing is comeについて
until文の場合、the season be comeです。
when the season comes でよいと思うのですが、なぜ、
be +過去分詞comeとなったのでしょうか。こういう慣用でしょうか。
(b) even as your father and mine, foolish Perses, used to sail on
mineはmine foolish Persesと考えました。
主文はeven as father, used to sail on shipboard
(c) because he lacked sufficient livelihood.
lacked sufficient livelihoodという語があります。
(2)And one day he came to this very place crossing over a great stretch of sea; he left Aeolian Cyme and fled, not from riches and substance, but from wretched poverty which Zeus lays upon men, and he settled near Helicon in a miserable hamlet, Ascra, which is bad in winter, sultry in summer, and good at no time.
備考;Cume; Cyme (sī'mē), ancient Greek city of W Asia Minor, on the
Ionian Sea and N of the present Smyrna in W Asian
実際ひんぱんに使われているのですか! 幼児にはそのようには言わない、と聞いてなるほど(笑)と思いました。 大人同士で言うというのもなんだか面白いです。応用が利きそうな文体ですしね。 使う機会があったら相手の年齢をみて使ってみたいと思います(質問魔なので逆に言われそうですが) 英語関係でははじめて質問したのですが、どう翻訳するか、訳文を見せてもらうのは興味深いですね。 小説書きの勉強にもなります。 詳細におよぶご回答どうもありがとうございました。