Temperature and light treatments
Plants with six expanded leaves were moved to growth modules in walk-in chambers. Three environmentally controlled chambers were maintained at 14 ± 2°C (LT), 20 ± 2°C (MT), and 26 ± 2°C (HT), respectively. Each chamber was divided into two sections that generated 8 h (short day, SD, 08:00-16:00) and 16 h (long day, LD, 08:00-24:00) photoperiods using fluorescent lamps (FL; FL20SEX-D, Kumho Electric Inc., Seoul, Korea) and incandescent lamps (INC; IL220V30W-L, Kumho Electric Inc., Seoul, Korea). Three modules in each section provided three photosynthetic photon fluxes [PPF, 100 ± 5 (LL), 200 ± 10 (ML), and 400 ± 20 (HL) μmol・m-2・s-1] at canopy height. The FL:INC ratio in PPFD at the plant canopy was about 8:2; therefore, plants were exposed to four levels of daily light integral [DLI, DLI (mol・m-2・d-1) = PPF (μmol・m-2・s-1) × photoperiod (h・d-1) × 60 (min・h-1) × 60 (s・min-1) × 10-6], about 3 (LL ×SD),6(LL×LDandML×SD),12(ML×LDandHL × SD), and 24 (HL × LD) mol・m-2・d-1. Twenty plants were grown in each module under different light and temperature conditions (total 18 treatments) for 3 weeks.
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