I once went to a public bath in Japan. I knew the basic rules.You take a thorough shower before you get in. So I rubbed shampoo into my hair. Then I washed myself all over, and thoroughly rinsed the soap from my body. But when I got in the bath,everybody else jumped out. I couldn't understand why,since I'd done everything right. Then I felt my head and realized my mistake. I'd forgotten to rinse the shampoo out of my hair. I looked like a big ice-cream cone!
(1)I rubbed shampoo...とI'd forgotten to rinse the shampoo...を比べ、後には定冠詞が付いています。二つとも不可算名詞だと思いますが、不可算名詞でも2番目以降はtheを付けると言うことですか?不加算名詞はいかなる時も冠詞は付かないと思っていたもので・・。
(2)rinsed the soap...のsoapは不可算名詞ですね?theが必要ですか?
(3)fromとout ofの違い?
...rinsed the soap from my body.と...to rinse the shampoo out of my hair.を比べて、fromとout ofの使い分けている理由が分りません? 教えて下さい。 以上