Jonathan Goble of Japan
reported that は文字通り「報告した」とすべきでしょうか。
Goble made wide use of his entre preneurial talents. He met one of the princes of Awa (now Tokushima
Prefecture in Shikoku) and “negotiated the purchase of a steamship for him, in which I am always to be a
free and welcome passenger.” This was the fifteen-hundred-ton St. Louis, a U.S.-built wooden steamer that Awa bought for $88,000 and renamed Kengen-maru. Goble reported that the prince, known for his liberal ideas, wanted to “install me in Shikoku Awa as his adviser in foreign affairs, and teacher to some of the chief men of his household in the English language. He wishes me also to employ for him some ship-builders and other scientific men to teach his people to construct ships and many other things.”
Goble hoped to enlist two or three qualified Baptists who could bear Christian witness while filling these positions.24 For a time Goble was connected with Walsh, Hall, and Company.Captain Winslade, master of the British bark Raphael, reported that Goble “was considered the best English and Japanese interpreter in
the empire.” The so-called missionary also imported miscellaneous goods from San Francisco and put them on sale.25
24. Goble to Brown, 1 October 1862; Goble to ABFMS, 13 March
1864; Heco, Narrative of a Japanese, 1:311; Shigetō Takao,
Nagasaki kyoryūchi to gaikoku shōnin (Nagasaki settlement and
foreign merchants) (Tokyo: Fukan Shobo, 1967), 452–59; Katsu
Kaishū, Kaigun rekishi (Naval history), vol. 13 of Katsu Kaishū
zenshū, ed. Katsube Mitake (Tokyo: Keiso Shobo, 1974), 352.
25. ABFMS, Annual Report, 1966, 9; Goble to American Baptist,
18 October 1864.
(以下 南沢私訳2014.2.12)
ひと時、彼はウォルシュ、ホール商会(Walsh, Hall, and Company)と関わった。イギリスの帆船ラファエル号の船長であるキャプテン・ウィンスレーデは、ゴーブルが「帝国で最良の英日通訳者と思われている」と聞かされていた。いわゆる宣教師はまた、さまざまな品物をサンフランシスコから輸入し、売りに出していた。25
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