英字新聞の翻訳 添削のお願い
英字新聞の翻訳をしました. (4)の~than doどのように考えたら宜しいのでしょうか? また(8)もかなり混乱しています.どなたか添削をお願いします.
(1)Organic Tomatoes Have More Vitamin C
(2)By Rachael Rettner, My Health News Daily Staff Writer |February 21, 2013閲覧
(2)リヒャエルレッテアー 日刊わたしの健康ニュース記者 2013年2月21日
staff writer:記者?
(3)Organically grown tomatoes are more nutritious in some ways than the conventionally grown variety, a new study from Brazil suggests.
(3)有機栽培トマトは 伝統的な方法で育てた収穫物よりいくつかの点で栄養価が高くなる。
(4)The results show that organically grown tomatoes, while smaller, have higher levels of vitamin C as well as more plant phenols, a class of compounds that act as antioxidants, than do onventionally grown tomatoes.
(5)The organic variety might also taste slightly different, as they have higher levels of sugar, although this new study did not assess taste.
(6)The findings contradict those of research published last September in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine, which reviewed more than 200 studies and found no difference between the vitamin contents of organic and conventional foods.
(7)However, another review, published in 2011 in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, concluded that organic crops tend to be higher in vitamin C and phenols, and lower in protein, than conventionally grown crops.
(8)Experts say there's still not enough evidence to recommend that people eat organic foods solely for their nutritional content, said Gene Lester, a plant physiologist for the Agricultural Research Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Maryland, who was not involved in the new study.
then ・・・なんだか、しっくりきますね。