Looks like the weather’s warmed up, and you know what that means; I’m finally going to get
outside again. I’m an outdoorsman at heart, and there’s nothing I like better than getting into the
wilderness. It’s a shame I only get to do it a few times a year.
Ah, it’s going to feel good to stretch myself out. I’ve been cooped up indoors all winter, and
when you’re bound up as tight as I am, and stuck in a closet, well . . . I’d call it cabin fever, but that
drawstring bag is a lot smaller than a cabin!
I suspect I’ve got plenty of new wrinkles this year. Guess I’m getting older. Well, never mind. At
least I’m thin and light. My grandfather and his generation were all a bit on the heavy side, if you
know what I mean. Although I have to admit, they were made of sturdier stuff than I am. They all
thought we were sissies when we started using nylon! But those were different days.
Some of the young bucks today are pretty crazy, though. They’ll spend the night anywhere —
from frozen mountainsides to outdoor music festivals. But life’s easy for them. They’ve got no strings,
and they’re strong and flexible.
But me? I’m a bit old-fashioned. The young guys might even call me a little square. Well, they
think they have me pegged, but we’re not so different. We all love feeling the rain and wind at
night. I mean, starry skies are just fine, but when the weather’s bad and you stand strong against it,
that’s what gives you a real sense of purpose, you know?
ありがとうございます。 あぁぁ、なんとなくわかりました。。。 実は私は既婚者で、結婚前からその友達には「彼氏(旦那)がいてもいいから・・・」みたいなことを遠まわしに言われてたんですよね。何事もありませんでしたが。 おかげさまで英文の意味は解決しましたが、なんかモヤモヤが残ります(笑) っていうかこんなの送って来るなんて失礼ですよねぇ(;´Д`)