• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:少々長文ですが、添削願います!)

The Origin and Significance of Mitarashi Dango

  • The origin of Mitarashi dango can be traced back to approximately 4000 years ago when a prototype of dango already existed. The powder made from acorns was mixed with earthenware, giving birth to the concept of dango.
  • Mitarashi dango, specifically developed in Kyoto, Japan, took inspiration from the water bubbles in Mitarashi Lake. The five dango balls are arranged to resemble the bubbles, making them visually appealing and unique.
  • In addition to their appearance, Mitarashi dango holds symbolic significance. Shaped like a human head and limbs, they are offered in Shinto rites to pray for happiness and protection against evil spirits. It is believed that consuming the dango after the ritual brings good fortune and wards off negative energy.


  • ベストアンサー

一生懸命やったことがうかがわれますのでお助けします。ただ、学校とは高校ですか?大学ですか? それを明記しないと、どの程度の単語を使って良いのかわかりません。それと急ぐといっても、締め切りはいつなのかも明記するべきです。 以下、参考に。 The prototype of Mitarashi Dango, or dumplings existed about 4000 years ago. At that time, they made acorn flour and mixed it with water in an earthenware. This is the origin of Mitarashi Dango. People first ate Mitarashi dumplings in Kyoto, Japan. They named the dumpling after the water bubbles in Mitarashi Pond. These bubbles were often seen five in a row and the people got a hint from these bubbles and made five dumplings in a row on a stick. Another theory is that the five dumplings represent a human body; a head, hands and feet. They offered the dumplings to a Shinto Shrine and prayed for happiness. Then, they took them home and ate them to drive away the evil spirits.



回答、ありがとうございました。 学校は、語学学校ですがレベルは沢山ありますので、わかりやすい単語しか使えません。。。 締め切りもこれから書くようにしたいと思います。 丁度、今晩が締め切りだったんです。先生にも少し見てもらう時間があり、こちらの回答も参考にしたいと思います。大変助かりました。

