The New Zealanders dug in and conducted fighting patrols for the rest of the day. From several German prisoners it was determined that the 220th Prussian and 7th Bavarian Divisions were defending Bapaume.
To the north, the 2nd Infantry Brigade, who began their advance from Biefvillers over ground which favoured the defenders. The brigade had artillery support, in contrast to their fellow brigade to the south, as well as 23 tanks, although these were delayed. The 1st Battalion, Canterbury Regiment, one of the two leading battalions, made good progress and reached their objective for the day by 7:00 am, at the intersection of the Albert and Arras Roads. The other leading battalion was the 1st Otago, who struggled. The tanks supporting the Otago men caught up with the advancing infantry but misidentified them as Germans and opened fire. Once this instance of friendly fire was identified, the tanks then began engaging the Germans but were soon knocked out. By then, the tanks had provided the 1st Otago Battalion the opportunity to reach their objective for the day, the Arras Road. They managed to link up with the 37th Division on their left although not with the 1st Canterbury Battalion on their right. To fill the gap, Brigadier General Young ordered up the 2nd Canterbury Battalion and all three battalions consolidated their positions. The German 111th Division attempted to mount a counterattack later in the day but the massing troops were spotted and attacked by British reconnaissance aircraft. The Germans were caught by an artillery barrage covering a hastily arranged advance, to begin at 6:30 pm, by the New Zealanders and the 37th Division. This easier advance cleared Monument Wood and the southern reaches of the village of Favreuil by the conclusion of the day. Among the 2nd Infantry Brigade there were nearly 500 killed, wounded or missing for the day such that the 2nd would play no further role in the battle. Although the planned envelopment of Bapaume had not happened, the day's action resulted in the capture of over 400 prisoners of war along with many machine guns and an artillery piece. The New Zealanders continued their efforts to encircle Bapaume on 26 August, their flanks protected by the neighbouring 63rd and 5th Divisions.
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