Is Democracy Mathematically Unsound?(:Paul Hoffman)からの引用です。
Game theory, the mathematical analysis of conflict, 【be it in politics, business, military affairs, or what have you, was born in 1927, with John von Neumann, the mathematical jack-of-all-trades.】Von Neumann recognized that certain decision-making situations in economics and politics are mathematically equivalent to certain games of strategy. Consequently, lessons learned from analyzing these games are directly applicable to decision-making situations in real life.
be it ~のところのbeが文法的にわかりません。どのようになっているのでしょうか?
(in にはpolitics, business, military affairsがかかっていると思うのですが)
またwhat have youのところも文法的にどのようになっているのでしょうか?
*John von Neumann・・・ジョン・フォン・ノイマン
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