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The Genoa Conference and its Challenges

  • The Genoa Conference, held in April 1922, faced several challenges.
  • One challenge was getting France's participation, which was secured through a diplomatic offensive by Lloyd George.
  • Another challenge was the participation of the new Bolshevik-led government of Russia, which was resolved by the Supreme Council's approval.


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  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12613)

>The apparent softening the economic terms of the peace, which had taken place at Cannes, had led to the toppling of the government of the prime minister of France, Aristide Briand and left his successor, Raymond Poincaré, with little appetite for participation, which threatened the conference. It was only through a dedicated diplomatic offensive by Lloyd George towards the French government during February 1922 that its participation at the April conference, under terms previously agreed to by the Briand government, was won. Although antagonism between France and Britain had festered in the months immediately after the war, France found itself in the uncomfortable position of having to submit to British desires on the matter of an economic conference, as without its support, France would have had little chance of collecting reparations from Germany or entering into any potential strategic military alliance. ⇒カンヌで開催された平和条約で、その経済条件をあからさまに軟化させたことがフランス首相アリスティド・ブリアンの政府の崩壊につながり、後任のライモン・ポアンカレをして参加の意欲をほとんど失わしめたので、会議そのものが危くなった。ブライアン政権がこれまで同意していた4月の会議に参加したのは、ひとえにロイド=ジョージが1922年2月にフランス政府に向けて献身した外交的攻勢による勝利であった。フランスと英国の敵対関係は戦争直後の数か月で膿を孕んだが、フランスは経済協議の問題で英国の要望に従わなければならないという不快な立場にあった。というのも、英国の支持がなければフランスはドイツから賠償金を徴収するチャンスもほとんどなくなり、可能な戦略的軍事同盟の締結もおぼつかなくなるからであった。 >The second potential hurdle to holding the Genoa Conference surrounded participation of the new Bolshevik-led government of Russia, as the United States and most nations of Europe did not maintain formal diplomatic relations with the regime and harbored economic claims against it. This inconvenient situation had been effectively set aside by the Supreme Council itself, which approved a formal resolution at its meeting of 10 January 1922 that invited Soviet participation and calling upon the Bolsheviks to submit a list of delegates and support staff seeking to attend so that safe conduct passes for travel and accommodation could be arranged. ⇒「ジェノバ会議」開催の第2の潜在的ハードル(障害)が、ボルシェビキ指導の新しいロシア政府の参加を取り囲んだ。米国とヨーロッパの多くの国々は、ロシアと正式な外交関係を維持しておらず、ロシアに対する経済の主張を抱えていたからである。この不都合な状況を巧妙な手口で脇に置いていた最高評議会自体が、1922年1月10日の会合で正式な決議を承認してソ連の参加を招き、旅行のための通行案内を実施したり、宿泊施設を手配したりすることができるよう、出席しようとする代表者と支援スタッフのリストを提出するようボルシェビキに要請した。 >The opening ceremony of the Genoa Conference took place at 3 pm on 10 April 1922 at the Palazzo di San Giorgio, one of the oldest palaces in the city. Delegations entered at one end of the palace, running a gauntlet of news photographers from around the world, while at the opposite end guests, journalists and members of delegation support staffs disembarked from a column of automobiles to go inside the building. Admission to journalists was through tickets distributed ahead of the event, which were strictly limited. ⇒「ジェノバ会議」の開会式は、1922年4月10日午後3時、市内で最も古い宮殿のひとつである「サン・ジョルジョ宮殿」で行われた。代表団は、世界中のニュース写真家の列の間を通って、宮殿の一方の端の入口から入ったが、他方、反対側の入口にはゲスト、ジャーナリスト、および代表団の支援スタッフが自動車の列から降りて建物内に入った。ジャーナリストへの入場は、この行事に先立って配布されたチケット(のみ)を通じてなされて、厳格に制限されていた。 >The entrance of Lloyd George was met with a great ovation from those assembled in the hall as he took his seat to the left of the chairman's seat at the front of the room. As the chief architect of the gathering, he would effectively dominate public sessions of the Conference. ⇒ロイド=ジョージの入場の際、彼が会場の正面の議長席の左の席に座ったとき、会場に集まった人たちから大きな拍手を受けた。集会の主任立案創始者として、彼は会議の公開会期を首尾よく牛耳ったことであろう。



