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Disappointing Rotating Dinner Party and Lack of Current Events Knowledge

  • Three years ago, I was invited to join a rotating dinner party with my neighbors, but it turned out to be less exciting than I had hoped. Despite the name, none of the group members were interested in cooking, and the menu stayed the same for three years. Additionally, the college-educated individuals in the group lacked the ability to hold a conversation, and one person was even unaware of the recent royal wedding. It was a disappointment in terms of food and intellectual engagement.
  • Exploring the concept of a rotating dinner party, I was invited to join one with my neighbors three years ago. However, I soon discovered that the name was deceiving, as none of the participants were passionate about cooking. The menu remained unchanged for the entire duration, leading to a lack of variety. Furthermore, the group's supposed intellectual conversations fell short, with the members failing to discuss current events and even missing major occasions, such as the royal wedding.
  • Joining a rotating dinner party organized by my neighbors three years ago, I had high hopes for stimulating discussions and gourmet meals. Unfortunately, my expectations were not met. Despite the name, the dinner party lacked culinary enthusiasm, with the menu remaining unchanged for three years. To make matters worse, the college-educated individuals in the group failed to engage in meaningful conversations, even displaying a lack of awareness regarding recent events like the royal wedding. It was a disappointing experience on both the culinary and intellectual fronts.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12613)

>rotating dinner partyとはどのような意味でしょうか? ⇒「交替に/代り番こにディナーパーティーを主催すること」で、 3人の隣人が、それに加わるよう私を誘ってくれたわけですね。 >あと、so much for current eventsの意味も教えてください。 ⇒「(1人は、最近の王室の結婚式を知りませんでした…) まさに今行われている行事にしてこれです」。 世間オンチにもほどがある、とでも言いたいのでしょう。 *so much forは、 通常は、「~についてはそれで終り、~はそれでおしまい」といった意味ですが、 時に、「(軽蔑的に)~はそんなところ」というようなニュアンスで用いられます。 ここでは、まさにそれに当てはまる用法ですね。




その他の回答 (1)

  • skydaddy
  • ベストアンサー率51% (388/749)

rotating dinner party 持ち回りの夕食会(開催する場所(家)、ホストが順繰りということ) so much for current events たくさんの最近の出来事について (大卒の集まりで教育があると言っても、あまりにもたくさんのトピックスだと話が続かなくなるという前段を受けて、一つ例示され、今もたくさんの出来事があるからみたいな感じでしょうか)



