because of this
“There are three people in this debate, not two,” Mr. Edwards reminded Wolf Blitzer, the moderator of the debate, which was sponsored by the Congressional Black Caucus and shown on CNN. “I also want to know on behalf of voters in South Carolina, how many children are going to get health care because of this? We have got to understand that this is not about us personally.”
このbecause of thisは「そんなわけで、このような背景から」熟語でしょうか、「そんなわけで」だとすると、「そんな」はなにを指すでしょうか。
ThisがCongressional Black Caucusを指すとも考え調べてみてもどうも自信がありません。
また、this is not about us personally.”のthisもCongressional Black Caucusかとも思うのですが自信がないです。