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German Counter-Attack Successes and British Defensive Measures in September

  • German counter-attack divisions had achieved costly defensive successes in July and August, engaging in advance to contact operations during mobile operations.
  • The British made time to establish a defence in depth after their infantry advances, while the Germans forfeited systematic defensive artillery support.
  • In September, Ludendorff ordered the strengthening of forward garrisons and the use of Eingreif divisions for counter-attacks and spoiling attacks.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12612)

>In July and August, German counter-attack (Eingreif) divisions had engaged in a manner analogous to an advance to contact during mobile operations, which had given the Germans several costly defensive successes. The counter-attacks in September had been assaults on reinforced field positions, due to the restrained nature of British infantry advances. The fine weather in early September had greatly eased British supply difficulties, especially in the delivery of huge amounts of artillery ammunition. Immediately after their infantry advances, the British had made time to establish a defence in depth, behind standing barrages. ⇒7月と8月に、ドイツ軍の反撃(アイングリーフ)師団は、移動作戦活動中に接触を保ちながら進軍するのに似たような方法で反撃に従事して、高くはついたがドイツ軍にいくつか防御の成功をもたらした。英国軍歩兵連隊の進軍が持つ抑制的性質のために、9月の反撃は補強された野戦陣地に対する襲撃であった。9月上旬の晴天のおかげで、特に膨大な量の大砲弾薬の配送にかかる英国軍の供給困難が大いに緩和された。英国軍は、歩兵連隊が進んだ直後に、待機中の集中砲火の背後で、取り急ぎ縱深防御の設定を行った。 >The British attacks took place in dry clear weather, with increased air support over the battlefield for counter-attack reconnaissance, contact patrol and ground-attack operations. Systematic defensive artillery support was forfeited by the Germans, due to uncertainty over the position of their infantry, just when the British infantry benefitted from the opposite. German counter-attacks were defeated with many casualties and on 28 September, Albrecht von Thaer, staff officer at Group Wytschaete, wrote that the experience was "awful" and that he did not know what to do. ⇒晴天の中、英国軍の攻撃が起こったが、それは反撃のための斥候調査、接触パトロール、および地上攻撃における作戦行動のために戦場上空からの空中援護の増強をもって始まった。ドイツ軍歩兵連隊にとっては陣地上に不安があったので、砲兵隊による組織的防御の支援が強化されたが、それはちょうど英国軍歩兵連隊が対面からの(攻撃の)地の利を得たときであった。ドイツ軍の反撃は、多くの犠牲者を被って、打破された。そして、グループ・ウィッツチャエテの参謀将校アルブレヒト・フォン・テーアは、9月28日に、この経験は「惨憺たる状況」であって、何をどうすべきか分からない、と書いた。 >Ludendorff ordered a strengthening of forward garrisons by the ground-holding divisions. All machine-guns, including those of the support and reserve battalions of the front line regiments, were sent into the forward zone, to form a cordon of four to eight guns every 250 yards (230 m). The ground holding divisions were reinforced by the Stoss regiment of an Eingreif division being moved up behind each front division into the artillery protective line behind the forward battle zone, to launch earlier counter-attacks while the British were consolidating. ⇒ルーデンドルフは、地面保持師団による前方駐屯軍の強化を命じた。250ヤード(230m)おきに4門ないし8門の銃砲を備える非常線を張るために、支援隊や前線付き予備大隊の装備を含むすべての機関銃が前方地帯へ送られた。アイングリーフ師団のシュトース連隊を各々の前線師団の庇護下に前方の戦闘地帯背後の砲兵隊保護戦線へ動かすことによって地面保持師団が補強され、英国軍が地固めの強化をしているうちに、前倒しの反撃を開始した。 >The bulk of the Eingreif divisions were to be held back and used for a methodical counter-stroke on the next day or the one after and for counter-attacks and spoiling attacks between British offensives. Further changes of the 4th Army defensive methods were ordered on 30 September. ⇒アイングリーフ師団の本体は、反撃の後一旦引き返し、翌日や後日の秩序立った打ち返しや、英国軍攻撃の合間の反撃、妨害攻撃のために使われることになっていた。9月30日に、第4方面軍による防御方法の更なる変更が命じられた。 ※全体的によく分かりません(特に前半部分)。誤訳の節はどうぞ悪しからず。


