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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文を添削して欲しいです)

Nixon's Decision to Bomb Cambodia: Protecting American Soldiers or Fueling Antiwar Movement?

  • Richard Nixon made the controversial decision to bomb Cambodia in order to target Viet Cong and its support base within the country. However, he argued that it was not an invasion or aggression, but a measure to protect American soldiers.
  • Despite Nixon's justification, his decision to cross the border into Cambodia reignited the antiwar movement.
  • This raises questions about the real motivation behind the bombing and its impact on the public perception of the war.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10082/12630)

>Richard Nixon decided to bomb in Cambodia in order to attack Viet Cong and its support base that was lurking in there. ⇒「ベトコンとその支援拠点を攻撃するために」は、to attack Viet Cong and its support base where many of its member were lurking in「ベトコンとその要員の多くが潜んでいる支援拠点を攻撃するために」のようになさったらいかがでしょう。 →Richard Nixon decided to bomb in Cambodia in order to attack Viet Cong and its support base where many of its member were lurking in. >Nixon, on the other hand, he said it was to protect American soldiers and not "invasion" aimed at "aggression." ⇒「これに対し」は誤解や混乱を誘う表現ですので、「この行動作戦に関して」On this operationとしましょう。「『攻撃』を目的とした『侵略』ではない(といった)」は、not to "invade" aimed at "attacking"「『攻撃すること』を目ざして『侵略する』のではない(といった)」とすることをお勧めします。 →On this operation, Nixon said that it was to protect American soldiers and not to "invade" aimed at "attacking". >However, Nixon's idea that over the border to Cambodia was revive the antiwar movement. ⇒「カンボジアへの国境を越えるニクソンの考え」はNixon's idea of crossing over the border to Cambodiaと、「再熱させることとなった」はwas going to reviveとなります。 →However, Nixon's idea of crossing over the border to Cambodia was going to revive the antiwar movement.



大変わかりやすい説明でとても勉強になりました! いつもよく助けられています! 本当にありがとうございます。

