Discover the charm of Chicago with a solo trip 'around the loop'.
Explore the vibrant streets of Chicago on your own and immerse yourself in the city's culture and attractions.
Experience the best of Chicago's brunch spots and enjoy a memorable trip 'around the loop'.
around the loop
My last solo trip landed me in Chicago where I sprung from the airport, dashed to the closest train and felt thrilled to explore an entirely new city on my own — no more hiding in Dunkin' Donuts. Once I got to my hotel, I itched to drag myself along every single street even though it had started pouring rain. I bought show tickets, made my way to Wicker Park and visited all the best brunch places around the loop.
around the loopの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします
シカゴ市内中心部にあるビジネス街のことを、俗称で「Chicago Loop」と呼びます。"around the loop" とは、この、「Chicago Loop」の 周辺、ということだと思います。
Chicago Loop: the central business district of downtown Chicago, located between the lake shore and Chicago river.