Partner's Lack of Respect for Boundaries: How Can I Stand Up for Myself?
My partner and I are going through a rough patch. She is moving out for a month to have some space, and I'm both sad and relieved. I love her, but I feel she doesn't respect my boundaries, especially when it comes to her friend frequently being over without a heads up.
Last night, I tried to say 'no' to my partner about her friend coming over, but she told me she didn't have a choice. I ended up feeling unimportant and had a panic attack. I want a say in who is in our space, but my partner doesn't seem to understand why it's important to me.
I'm conflicted because I want to stand up for myself, but I also feel like I may be overreacting due to stress. Is there a way I can assert myself without causing more tension in our relationship?
So my partner and I have been in a rough patch for a while now. She is moving out for a month to get some space and figure out what she wants. I’m sad because I love her and when things are good, it’s the best feeling to come home to her. But I’m relieved because things are tense right now. I feel she doesn’t respect my boundaries. Her friend is over a lot. I’ve asked for a heads up, and at some points have said I’m not comfortable with her being sprung on me and sticking around late into the night when I have work the next day. But it keeps happening. Last night, I was exhausted and had been asking for some quality time with partner. But her friend came over instead. I ended up going for a walk in the cold and crying on a bench for an hour because I tried to say “no” to my partner, and she told me that she didn’t have a choice. I had a panic attack (I feel so silly, I shouldn’t be so sensitive), but I just felt so unimportant. Partner is so nice to them and wants to tell them every little detail, and in turn listens. Partner told me I was just being critical last night when I tried to explain why this is important to me, and that if I just told her about my day instead of being upset, there wouldn’t be an issue. But I want a say on who is in my/our space! I am mad! But I also feel like I am overreacting because we’ve both been pretty stressed. Is there a way I can/should stand up for myself around this?
1 I’ve asked for a heads upは「注意喚起を要求した」でしょうか?文脈に合わない感じがするのですが・・・
2 sprung on meはどのような意味でしょうか?
3 stand up for myself around thisはなぜaboutやforではなくaroundなのでしょうか?
1。 I’ve asked for a heads upは「注意喚起を要求した」でしょうか?文脈に合わない感じがするのですが・・・
2 sprung on meはどのような意味でしょうか?
3 stand up for myself around thisはなぜaboutやforではなくaroundなのでしょうか?
about とか for ( for の場合は重複にも)だとこの件だけに限られますが、about を使うと、この件だけでなくこの種の件に関して、と範囲を広げた表現になるからでしょう。