should it come up
I am a mentee in a "future women leaders" program at my organization.
I am paired with a director of a different department. She and I get along very well, but she is not on speaking terms with the director of my department, and has gone so far as to file a complaint against my immediate supervisor, a woman I respect greatly.
So far, my mentor has not reached out to me to organize our first mentoring session.
Perhaps it is because she is very busy, but I suspect it is also because she is basically at war with my department, going so far as to instruct some of her subordinates not to speak to my colleagues (although they still speak to me).
I sent an initial, "Thank you, and I'm looking forward to working with you" email to her upon the human resources department informing us that we were paired together. I have not reached out to her again and haven't heard from her.
I am not sure how I would handle any discussions about my department, in particular my supervisors, should it come up.
should it come upの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします