Abandonment of Forts and Loss of Defensive Line: The Battle for Romanian Territory
Around 13:00, general Teodorescu ordered the abandonment of forts 2, 3, 4, and 5, resulting in the loss of the main defensive line.
By the end of the day, only fort 1 remained under Romanian control, thanks to strong artillery support from the Danube monitors and batteries.
The Romanian units were in such disarray that a planned counterattack had to be postponed, highlighting the dire situation for Romanian forces.
Around 13:00 general Teodorescu ordered the commander of the sector to abandon forts 2, 3, 4 and 5. By the end of the day only fort 1 was still in Romanian hands, as it had powerful artillery cover from the Danube monitors and batteries on the left bank of the river. By the evening of 5 September the entire main defensive line (save two forts) had been taken, along with all of the Romanian fixed artillery and part of the mobile artillery. The Romanian units were so disorganized that a planned counterattack with the new reinforcements from the 15th Division had to be postponed for the next day.
>Around 13:00 general Teodorescu ordered the commander of the sector to abandon forts 2, 3, 4 and 5. By the end of the day only fort 1 was still in Romanian hands, as it had powerful artillery cover from the Danube monitors and batteries on the left bank of the river. ⇒13時ごろ、テオドレスク将軍は、要塞区画の司令官に2番、3番、4番、および5番砦を放棄するように命じた。その日の終わりまでには、1番砦だけがまだルーマニア軍の手にあった。それはダニューブ川左岸の監視所や砲兵隊からの強力な保護を得ていたからである。
>By the evening of 5 September the entire main defensive line (save two forts) had been taken, along with all of the Romanian fixed artillery and part of the mobile artillery. The Romanian units were so disorganized that a planned counterattack with the new reinforcements from the 15th Division had to be postponed for the next day.