As she talks she goes round to her bed, sits down, pulling off her trousers. ‘No – it was this business-man type, maybe forty. Such a letch. I thought I was going to get groped for sure.’
‘Did you?’
‘No. Spineless. I kept the second half of my Coke ready, though, so I could chuck it over him when he did. That’s probably why I’m so dehydrated.’ (前回の終わりの部分です)
She stands up and pulls her shirt off over her head. I look quickly away, pretending I haven’t noticed. I know she doesn’t care – wouldn’t mind me seeing her standing there in her underwear – but I’m not sure I can carry off the pretence that I don’t care. It’s easier to look away. She says, ‘Not a bad view either. There’s a little square down there, and a tree. I think that’s a church. You know all this stuff better than I do. You’ll have to tell me about it later.’
‘It’s a deal,’ I say, looking fixedly at the writing-desk in the corner. I hear her walk over to where the towels are laid out, bare feet padding on the stone.
‘I’d say I won’t be long, but I probably will be,’ she says, a smile in her voice. I risk looking up. She has a towel wrapped around her, and I am able to pretend that, as far as I’m aware, this is how it’s always been.
‘There’s no hurry,’ I say. ‘Take as long as you like.’
‘Thanks. I’ll see you in a bit.’
She closes the door after her and, a few moments later, there comes the first hiss of water from the shower, and somewhere far off the rumble and clang of air through the plumbing of the old building. I am left lying on my bed, staring at the wall, trying to keep the thought of her out of my head.
‘Not a bad view either. There’s a little square down there, and a tree. I think that’s a church. You know all this stuff better than I do. You’ll have to tell me about it later.’ のNot a bad view either.がよくわかりません。悪い眺めではない。両方とも??all this stuffのstuffとはどういう意味ですか?You’ll have to tell me about it laterのitはa churchのことですか?
I’d say I won’t be long, but I probably will be,の意味は、長く生きていないでしょうと言っていました、でも多分生きます、という意味ですか?それとも長くはいないと言っていました。でも多分長くいます。という意味ですか?beの意味が漠然としててよくわかりません。
She has a towel wrapped around her, and I am able to pretend that, as far as I’m aware, this is how it’s always beenのI am able to pretend that~のところがわからないのですが、(文をつなげると、I am able to pretend that this is how it's always beenだと思うのですが)、私はこれがいかにいつものことだというふりをすることができる?という意味ですか?
I am able to pretendと言っている意味がいまひとつわかりません。
‘There’s no hurry,’ I say. ‘Take as long as you like.’
‘Thanks. I’ll see you in a bit.’ のセリフについてですが、彼女がシャワーを浴びていて、急がないから好きなだけ浴びてていいよ、と主人公が言って、彼女がちょっとしたら(シャワーから出て)会いにいきます、と言っているシーンですか?
ひとつひとつとても丁寧に解説していただいてありがとうございました。 a difference about her I would never have guessed at.は、つまりその「変化の質に対する意外性」を述べているのですね。 something~の個所は「変化の内容が何なのか」分からないというある種のもどかしさを表しているのですね。なるほどです。 before she pulls away ~の個所が謎だったのですが、説明をいただいて、その文が必要な理由が理解できました。 isolateの個所が挿入句でちょっとわかりにくくなってしまっていましたが、文の全体が掴めました。 回答、ありがとうございます!