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Soldier dies in treacherous conditions

  • Despite swift medical attention, a large number of men were hospitalized and one soldier died due to exposure. The area was filled with damaged and half-built trenches, making it impossible to identify the front line or reconstruct it. Despite the treacherous conditions, both sides launched raids and the British extended New Munich Trench in preparation for an attack on Munich Trench.
  • Swift medical attention couldn't prevent a soldier from dying due to exposure, and many other men were hospitalized. The trenches in the area were in a terrible state - derelict, damaged, half-built, or obliterated by artillery-fire. As a result, it was impossible to identify or reconstruct the front line. However, both sides still mounted raids, and the British extended New Munich Trench in preparation for an attack on Munich Trench.
  • Despite receiving immediate medical attention, many men were still forced to go to the hospital, and unfortunately, one soldier lost his life due to exposure. The trenches in the area were in a poor state, with many of them being derelict, damaged, and obliterated. This made it impossible to determine or rebuild the front line. Nevertheless, both sides carried out raids, and the British expanded the New Munich Trench, preparing for an upcoming attack on Munich Trench.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12612)

>Despite swift medical attention, a large number of men had to be taken to hospital and one soldier died of exposure. ⇒素早い治療手当てにもかかわらず、多数の兵士が病院へ連れて行かねばならなかった。そして、1人の兵士は低温症で死亡した。 >The area was covered with trenches, many of which were derelict, damaged, half-built or obliterated by artillery-fire. Identifying the course of the front line or relating it to the map was impossible, as was the reconstruction of the front line, because trenches collapsed as soon as they were dug. ⇒この地域を掩護する塹壕は、その多くが損害を受けるか、造りかけであるか、砲火によって大破壊されて荒廃し切っていた。塹壕が掘られるがや早いかすぐに崩落したので、最前線の再建で(のはずで)あったものが、その最前線の道筋を確認同定することも、それを地図に関連づけることも不可能であった。 >Despite the conditions, raids were mounted by both sides and a party of about 100 Germans was repulsed from New Munich Trench on 25 November. Despite the conditions, New Munich Trench was extended by the British to the north and another 250 yards (230 m) was dug to the south, in preparation for an attack on Munich Trench, as soon as conditions allowed. ⇒その状況にもかかわらず、両国軍によって急襲が開始されて、11月25日に約100人のドイツ軍の一行が「新ミュンヘン塹壕」から撃退された。(そしてまた)その状況にもかかわらず、状況が許す限り早期の「ミュンヘン塹壕」への攻撃に備えて、(奪った)「新ミュンヘン塹壕」が英国軍によって北へ広げられ、さらに南へ250ヤード(230m)掘り進められた。


