• ベストアンサー


The 4th Canadian Division was responsible for the northern portion of the advance that included the capture of the highest point of the ridge followed by the heavily defended Pimple just west of the town of Givenchy-en-Gohelle. The 3rd Canadian Division was responsible for the narrow central section of the ridge, including the capture of La Folie Farm. The 2nd Canadian Division, which later included an additional brigade from the 5th British Division, was directly south of 3rd Canadian Division and entrusted with the capture of the town of Thélus. The 1st Canadian Division was responsible for the broad southern sector of the corps advance and expected to make the greatest advance in terms of distance. Byng planned for a healthy reserve for contingencies that included the relief of forward troops, help in consolidating positions and aiding the 4th Canadian Division with the capture of the Pimple. As a result, the 9th Canadian Brigade, 15th British Brigade and 95th British Brigade were kept in corps-level reserve. German foreign intelligence gathering, large-scale Allied trench raids and observed troop concentrations west of Arras made it clear to the Germans that a spring offensive near Arras was being planned.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10007/12518)

>The 4th Canadian Division was responsible for the northern portion of the advance that included the capture of the highest point of the ridge followed by the heavily defended Pimple just west of the town of Givenchy-en-Gohelle. The 3rd Canadian Division was responsible for the narrow central section of the ridge, including the capture of La Folie Farm. ⇒第4カナダ師団は、ちょうどジバンシー-アン-ゴエーユ町の西に厳しく擁護されたピンプルに続く、尾根の最高地点の攻略を含めた進軍の、北部分に対して責任を負っていた。 第3カナダ師団は、ラ・フォリー・ファームの攻略を含んで、尾根の狭い中心区画に対して責任があった。 >The 2nd Canadian Division, which later included an additional brigade from the 5th British Division, was directly south of 3rd Canadian Division and entrusted with the capture of the town of Thélus. The 1st Canadian Division was responsible for the broad southern sector of the corps advance and expected to make the greatest advance in terms of distance. ⇒第2カナダ師団は、後に第5英国師団から追加を受けた1個旅団を含み、直接に第3カナダ師団の南にあって、テリュの町の攻略を託された。第1カナダ師団は、軍団進軍先の幅広い南地区に対して責任があって、距離という点に関しては最大の進軍を期待されていた。 >Byng planned for a healthy reserve for contingencies that included the relief of forward troops, help in consolidating positions and aiding the 4th Canadian Division with the capture of the Pimple. As a result, the 9th Canadian Brigade, 15th British Brigade and 95th British Brigade were kept in corps-level reserve. German foreign intelligence gathering, large-scale Allied trench raids and observed troop concentrations west of Arras made it clear to the Germans that a spring offensive near Arras was being planned. ⇒ビングは、先行軍隊への救援、陣地強化における手助け、ピンプル攻略に就いている第4カナダ師団への援助などを含んだ偶発事のために、健全な予備軍(編成)の計画を立てた。その結果、第9カナダ旅団、第15英国旅団、および第95英国旅団が、軍団レベルの予備として持することになった。アラスのドイツ軍の外国情報収集、大規模な連合国軍の塹壕急襲、およびアラス西で観察された軍隊集結などから、ドイツ軍にとって、アラス近辺で春の攻撃が計画されていることが明らかであった(予感された)。



