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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文を日本語訳して下さい。)

Successful Attack by Canadian Corps in World War I

  • Military historians have attributed the success of this attack to careful planning and training by Canadian Corps commander Julian Byng and General Arthur Currie.
  • By assigning specific objectives to each platoon, the troops were able to continue the attack even if their officers were killed or communication broke down.
  • The logistical support needed for the battle included building roads, positioning artillery, supplying food and ammunition, and establishing casualty clearing stations.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10069/12615)

>Military historians have attributed the success of this attack to careful planning by Canadian Corps commander Julian Byng and his subordinate General Arthur Currie, constant training, and the assignment of specific objectives to each platoon. By giving units specific goals, troops could continue the attack even if their officers were killed or communication broke down, thus bypassing two major problems of combat on the Western Front. After the territorial gains of the first two days, a hiatus followed as the immense logistical support needed to keep armies in the field caught up with the new realities. ⇒軍事史家は、カナダ軍の軍団指揮官ジュリアン・ビングと副官アーサー・カリー将軍による慎重な計画、恒常的な訓練、および各小隊に特定の目的を割当てたことに、この攻撃の成功が起因すると考えた。部隊に特定の目標を与えることによって、彼らの将校が死亡するか、あるいはまた、たとえコミュニケーションが途絶えたとしても、軍隊は攻撃を続けることができたのであって、こうして、西部戦線での戦闘の2つの大きな問題を回避したのである。最初の2日間の領土獲得の後、軍を戦場に留めておくために必要な巨大な後方支援が、新しい現実に追いついたので、中断のあとが続いた。 >Battalions of pioneers built temporary roads across the churned up battlefield; heavy artillery (and its ammunition) was manhandled into position in new gun pits; food for the men and feed for the draught horses was brought up, and casualty clearing stations were established in readiness for the inevitable counter-attacks. Allied commanders also faced a dilemma: whether to keep their exhausted divisions on the attack and run the risk of having insufficient manpower or replace them with fresh divisions and lose momentum. ⇒激動する戦場を横切って工兵大隊が仮設道を敷設した。重砲(とその弾薬)といえど弾丸は手作業で銃身に込められた。兵士用の食料や荷馬用飼料が送り出され、回避不能な反撃に備えて、犠牲者の治療所が設立された。連合国軍の指揮官もジレンマに直面した:攻撃中の消耗した師団を続けさせて不十分な人的資源を危険に晒すか、彼らを新しい師団と入れ替えて勢いを失ってしまうか。 >In London, The Times commented: "the great value of our recent advance here lies in the fact that we have everywhere driven the enemy from high ground and robbed him of observation. ⇒ロンドンでは、「タイムズ紙」がコメントした:「わが軍は、至る所で高地から敵を追い払って、彼らから観察(能)を奪ったという事実そのものの中に、最近の進軍で得た大きな価値があります。



