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The British Consolidate Gains and Push Forward in Battle

  • The British were able to consolidate their gains and push forward in the battle despite heavy casualties.
  • The success of the offensive was due to the failure of the German commander to employ a defence in depth.
  • The Canadian Corps launched a successful assault on Vimy Ridge, capturing the crest of the ridge.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12612)

>The British were able to consolidate these gains and push forward towards Monchy-le-Preux, although they suffered heavy casualties in fighting near the village. One reason for the success of the offensive in this sector was the failure of German commander von Falkenhausen to employ a defence in depth. In theory, the enemy would be allowed to make initial gains, thus stretching their lines of communication. ⇒英国軍は、これらの獲得物を確定して、モンチー‐ル‐プロの方へ押し進むことができたが、その村の近くで戦って甚大な犠牲者を被った。この地区での攻撃の成功理由の1つは、ドイツ軍指揮官フォン・ファルケンハウゼンが(陣地)深部で防御の手立てをとるのに失敗したことであった。理論的には、敵軍はこうして(上で見たように)彼らの連絡線を伸ばすことで、最初の利益を得ることはできるだろう。 >Reserves held close to the battlefield would be committed once the initial advance had bogged down, before enemy reinforcements could be brought up. The defenders would thus be able to counter-attack and regain any lost territory. In this sector, Falkenhausen kept his reserve troops too far from the front and they were too late for a useful counter-attack on either 10 or 11 April. ⇒(しかし)ひとたび当初の進軍が行き詰まったら、敵の増援隊が招喚される前に、戦場の近くに控える予備軍に(後半戦が)引き渡される(委託できる)だろう。こうして、守備隊は反撃して、失われた領土を取り戻すことができるだろう。(ところが)この地区では、ファルケンハウゼンが彼の予備軍を待機させたところは前線から遠すぎたので、4月10日と11日のどちらでも、有益な反撃が遅きに失したのである。 >At roughly the same time, in perhaps the most carefully crafted portion of the entire offensive, the Canadian Corps launched an assault on Vimy Ridge. Advancing behind a creeping barrage and making heavy use of machine guns – eighty to each brigade, including one Lewis gun in each platoon – the corps was able to advance through about 4,000 yards (3,700 m) of German defences, and captured the crest of the ridge at about 13:00. ⇒大雑把に言って同じ時間に、おそらく全ての攻撃中で最も慎重に巧みになされた局面で、カナダの軍団がヴィミー・リッジに対する襲撃を開始した。絡みつく集中砲火の背後を進んで、機関銃を多用して―旅団所属の各小隊が1丁のルイス銃を含み、その各旅団が80丁の機関銃を使った―、カナダ軍団はドイツ防衛軍の間を約4,000ヤード(3,700m)進軍することができて、13時頃に尾根の頂上を占領したのである。



