• ベストアンサー
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British troops recapture post in successful counter-attack

  • Raiding continued and on 1 January, two officers on the way to Hope Post with the rum ration, met a German attack coming down Serre Trench.
  • A hurried counter-attack failed against German machine-gun fire and another attempt was postponed until the evening of 5 January.
  • At 5:30 p.m. fifty British troops attacked up Serre Trench and along the ground on either side, as fast as they could through the mud and re-captured the post, taking nine prisoners for a loss of one casualty.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10082/12630)

>Raiding continued and on 1 January, two officers on the way to Hope Post with the rum ration, met a German attack coming down Serre Trench and had to struggle back to Despair PoSt (→Post.) A hurried counter-attack failed against German machine-gun fire and another attempt was postponed until the evening of 5 January, when at 5:15 p.m. 500 × 9.2-inch, 200 × 8-inch and 250 × 6-inch howitzer shells were fired at the post in fifteen minutes. ⇒襲撃は続いて、1月1日に、2人の将校が配給のラム酒を持ってホープ哨戒陣地へ行く途中、セーレ塹壕の下に来たドイツ軍の攻撃と戦いながら、「デスペア(絶望)哨戒陣地」へ戻らねばならなかった。ドイツの機関銃砲火に対抗する慌しい反撃は失敗して、別の方策は1月5日の夕方まで延期された。その日午後5時15分、500×9.2インチ、200×8インチおよび250×6インチの榴弾砲が哨戒陣地から15分間発射された。 >At 5:30 p.m. fifty British troops attacked up Serre Trench and along the ground on either side, as fast as they could through the mud and re-captured the post, taking nine prisoners for a loss of one casualty. An attack by the 3rd Division on Post 88 to the left at the same also succeeded. German artillery-fire was so severe, that the British were forced back out but were able to return after the bombardment, before German infantry arrived and defended the post until they ran out of hand-grenades and withdrew; the post was recaptured again and consolidated when a fresh supply of grenades arrived. ⇒午後5時30分に、50人の英国軍隊がセーレ塹壕を攻撃し、その両側に沿ってできる限り迅速に泥地を通って哨戒陣地を奪回し、1人の犠牲者を失ったが9人の囚人を捕縛した。第3師団による左の88番哨戒陣地への攻撃も成功した。ドイツ軍の大砲砲火は非常に厳しかったので、英国軍は外へ押し出されたが、爆撃の後ドイツ軍歩兵連隊が到着する前に戻ることができ、彼らの手榴弾が尽きて撤退するまで哨戒陣地を防護した。新たな手榴弾の供給が到着したとき、哨戒陣地は奪回され、強化された。




