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The Battle of the Somme: The Beginning of Modern Warfare
- The Battle of the Somme marks the start of modern all-arms warfare, with the British Army adapting to the mass-industrial war.
- The British Army's contribution to the battle played a crucial role in the coalition war, shifting the strategic initiative from the German Army and causing irreparable damage.
- Criticism has been directed at Haig and General Rawlinson for the human cost of the battle and the failure to achieve territorial objectives.
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
>The Battle of the Somme has been called the beginning of modern all-arms warfare, during which Kitchener's Army learned to fight the mass-industrial war in which the continental armies had been engaged for two years. This view sees the British contribution to the battle as part of a coalition war and part of a process, which took the strategic initiative from the German Army and caused it irreparable damage, leading to its collapse in late 1918. ⇒「ソンムの戦い」は、現代的な「全武器」戦争の始まりと呼ばれて、戦争の間、キッチナー方面軍は、大陸軍が2年もの間にわたって交戦した、多数産業の戦争を戦う術を学んだ。この見方から、戦いに対する英国軍の貢献が、連立戦争の一部として、また戦争進行過程の一部として、ドイツ軍から戦略的な主導権を奪って、それに回復できない損害をもたらし、1918年後半にその崩壊に導いた、ということが分かる。 >Haig and General Rawlinson have been criticised ever since 1916 for the human cost of the battle and for failing to achieve their territorial objectives. On 1 August 1916 Winston Churchill criticised the British Army's conduct of the offensive to the British Cabinet, claiming that though the battle had forced the Germans to end their offensive at Verdun, attrition was damaging the British armies more than the German armies. ⇒ヘイグとローリンソン将軍は、戦いにかかった人間的コストと、彼らが領土の目的達成に失敗した廉で1916年以降ずっとこれまで非難されてきた。ウィンストン・チャーチルは、1916年8月1日に、英国軍の英国内閣に対する攻撃的振る舞いを批判した。そして、戦闘でドイツ軍にヴェルダン攻撃の終結を迫ることができたけれども、両軍間の摩擦でドイツ軍より英国軍により多くの損害が与えられた、と主張した。