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The Battle of the Canal du Nord: A Serious Obstacle in World War I

  • Even in a partially excavated state, the dry section of the canal was a serious obstacle in World War I. It was approximately 40 yd wide, with high banks on both sides. The British First Army had to halt their offensive until a route was secured across the canal.
  • The British assault on the Drocourt-Quéant Line resulted in the Germans being overrun along a 7,000 yd front. However, the German 1st Guards Reserve Division, 2nd Guards Reserve Division, and 3rd Reserve Division put up strong resistance. The Germans withdrew before the British attack could continue the following day.
  • The German army high command ordered the retreat of the 17th Army behind the Sensée River and the Canal du Nord. The 2nd Army was also ordered to withdraw to the Hindenburg Line. This resulted in the abandonment of gained territory and the formation of a new German front line.


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  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10082/12630)

>Even in a partially excavated state, the dry section of the canal was still a serious obstacle. The canal was approximately 40 yd (37 m) wide, with a western bank that was between 10 and 15 ft (3.0 and 4.6 m) high and an eastern bank about 5 ft (1.5 m) high. The British First Army (General Henry Horne) was forced to stop its offensive until a route was secured across the ca(nal.) ⇒運河の乾燥部分は、部分的に掘削された状態であっても、依然として深刻な障害であった。運河の幅は約40ヤード(37m)で、堤防の高さは西側で10~15フィート(3~4.6m)、東側の堤防では約5フィート(1.5m)であった。英国軍(ヘンリー・ホーン将軍)は、運河を越えるルートの安全が確保されるまで、攻勢を止めなければならなかった。 >The British assault on the Drocourt-Quéant Line on 2 September 1918 resulted in the Germans being overrun along a 7,000 yd (4.0 mi; 6.4 km) front. Several formations in the German forward line quickly yielded to the British advance but then the British met more resolute opposition from regiments of the German 1st Guards Reserve Division, 2nd Guards Reserve Division and the 3rd Reserve Division. To gain observation of all bridges over the Sensée River and the Canal du Nord, the British attack was supposed to continue the following day but the Germans forestalled the British by withdrawing along a wide front. ⇒1918年9月2日のドロクール=ケアン戦線に対する英国軍の襲撃の結果、7,000ヤード(4マイル; 6.4キロ)の前線に沿ってドイツ軍が蹂躙された。英国軍の進軍によってドイツ軍の前方戦線の数個編隊は直ちに降伏したが、その後英国軍はドイツ軍第1・第2護衛予備師団、および第3護衛師団の連隊からのより厳しい対抗に遭遇した。サンセー川およびカナル・デュ・ノール(北運河)沿いのすべての橋梁を観察するために英国軍の攻撃は翌日も続くはずだったが、ドイツ軍は広い前線に沿って撤退することによって英国軍の先を越した。 >Oberste Heeresleitung (OHL, the German army high command) had ordered the 17th Army to retreat behind the Sensée River and the Canal du Nord on the night of 2 September and the 2nd Army to withdraw to the Hindenburg Line the following night. Further to the south, the 18th and 9th Armies were to follow in succession, resulting in the abandonment of the salient gained during the Spring Offensive by 9 September. In the north the 4th and 6th Armies retreated between Lens and Ypres, abandoning the Lys salient and the gains made during the Battle of the Lys. ⇒ドイツ軍最高司令部(OHL)は、第17方面軍に9月2日の夜サンセー川およびカナル・デュ・ノールの背後に撤退するよう命じ、第2方面軍にはその翌日の夜ヒンデンブルク戦線に退去するよう命じた。さらに南では、第18・第9方面軍が連続して進んでいたため、9月9日ごろの「春攻勢」の間に獲得した突出部を放棄するに至った。北部では、リースとイープルの間で第4・6方面軍が退却し、「リースの戦い」の間に得た突出部と獲得物を放棄した。 >British air patrols on the morning of 3 September reported seeing no Germans between the Dury Ridge and the Canal du Nord. The Third Army was able to occupy the towns of Quéant and Pronville unopposed and saw that the Germans were withdrawing on a wide front. As the British advanced to the new German front line they reported that the east bank of the Canal du Nord was strongly held and that the canal crossings had been destroyed except at Palluel, where the Germans held a bridgehead on the western side of the canal. On 3 September Supreme Commander of the Allied Armies Généralissime Ferdinand Foch outlined the future course of the Allied offensive campaign along the Western Front. To avoid the risk of having extensive German reserves massed against a single Allied attack, Foch devised a plan for a general offensive between Verdun and the Belgian coast. The plan called for Allied attacks at four separate points in the German line, to be launched on four successive days. ⇒9月3日朝、英国軍のパトロール隊がデューリー・リッジとカナル・デュ・ノールの間にドイツ軍は見当たらないと報じた。第3方面軍はケアンとプロンヴィユの町を独占できたので、ドイツ軍が広い前線で撤退していくのを目撃した。英国軍がドイツ軍の新しい前線に進軍したとき、彼ら英国軍はカナル・デュ・ノールの東岸が強固に保持されていること、およびドイツ軍が橋頭堡を持つ運河西側のパルエルを除いて、運河の交差地点が破壊されたことを報告した。9月3日、連合国軍最高司令官フェルディナン・フォッシュ元帥は、西部戦線に沿った連合国軍攻勢野戦の将来像のあらましを述べた。ドイツ軍の広範囲の予備隊が塊になって連合国軍の単体を攻撃するというリスクを避けるために、フォッシュは、ヴェルダンとベルギーの海岸の間における総攻撃の計画を策定した。この計画では、連合国軍の攻撃がドイツ軍戦線の別々の地点4か所において4日連続で攻撃することが求められた。




