Is Democracy Mathematically Unsound?(:Paul Hoffman)からの引用です。
Steven Brams advocates a voting system called approval voting. 【It either altogether eliminates the paradoxes inherent in democratic voting, reduces their likelihood, or diminishes their impact.】 Approval voting replaces the time-honored principle "One man, one vote" with the principle "One man, many votes."【 In other words, each voter can approve of (that is, vote for ) as many candidates as he likes, although he can cast only one vote per candidate.】 【The idea is that a voter need never fear that he is wasting his vote on an unpopular candidate (say, John Anderson in the 1980 presidential election), because he can also vote for whomever else he approves of.】
【It either altogether eliminates the paradoxes inherent in democratic voting, reduces their likelihood, or diminishes their impact.】
either altogether がかかっているのは
(eliminates the paradoxes inherent in democratic voting, reduces their likelihood)と、
(diminishes their impact)
【 In other words, each voter can approve of (that is, vote for ) as many candidates as he likes, although he can cast only one vote per candidate.】
【The idea is that a voter need never fear that he is wasting his vote on an unpopular candidate (say, Johon Anderson in the 1980 presidential election), because he can also vote for whomever else he approves of.】
he is wasting his vote on an unpopular candidateの個所の進行形は「確定的な未来」を表したものですか?
*Steven Brams (スティーブン・ブラムス)
" How many times you didn't (couldn't)? " は" How many times didn't you? " ではないんでしょうか?