アメリカ ニュージャージー州の運転免許取得に向けて勉強中です。15年ぶりに英語に触れるので分からないことばかりで困っています。何とか辞書や英訳ソフト片手に教則本を読んでいますが、このコラムは何度読んでも私の英語力では理解できないので、英語に詳しい方、教えて下さい。
Safe Corridors (N.J.S.A. 39:4-203.5)
In an effort to improve highway safety, New Jersey initiated the Safe Corridors
Program, which was signed into law in July 2003. The Safe Corridors law doubles
fines on various state highways for a variety of driving offenses, including
speeding and aggressive driving. 「 Highways are designated as safe based on
statistics showing crash rates 50 percent over the state rate and 1,000 or more
crashes reported over a three-year period. The Commissioner of Transportation
has the authority to designate highways as necessary, as well as to remove
those that show improved safety levels.」 The law took effect on February 15,
2004. A current list of Safe Corridor highways is available on the New Jersey
Department of Transportation Web site at www.nj.gov/transportation.
1、Safe Corridors を日本語に訳すとどのようになるのでしょう?(辞書でもいまいち分かりません)
2、「 」内の訳
ご回答ありがとうございました。 英語圏で使われていないと解り疑問が解決したように思います。