The 21st century is perhaps more fascinated by genius even than Galton's Victorian age, when geniuses like the poet Tennyson "were in full flower", recalled Virginia Woolf, with "long hair, great black hats, capes, and cloaks". Geniuses in the arts and sciences--the focus of this book--such as Leonardo and Newton, grip the imagination of generation after generation. So does the military and political genius of Napoleon, Churchill, and Gandhi, and the "evil genius" of Hitler, Stalin, and Mao. Genius is also a word lavishly applied to top performers in activities as varied as chess, sports, and music. Moreover, the accolade may not only be bestowed but also withdrawn by experts and the public, as the prize-winning and sensationally successful British installation artist Damien Hirst discovered.
1)The 21st century is perhaps more fascinated by genius even than Galton's Victorian age, when geniuses like the poet Tennyson "were in full flower", recalled Virginia Woolf, with "long hair, great black hats, capes, and cloaks".
when geniuses~のwhen以下は、Galton's Victorian ageを説明したものですか?
"were in full flower"はテニスンの作品か何かでしょうか?
"long hair, great black hats, capes, and cloaks"はヴァージニア・ウルフの風貌?
2) Moreover, the accolade may not only be bestowed but also withdrawn by experts and the public, as the prize-winning and sensationally successful British installation artist Damien Hirst discovered.
ここの、as~Damien Hirst discoveredの個所は、ダミアン・ハーストが見出したとして、と読むのでしょうか?
In response to devastating reviews of his inaugural exhibition of paintings in 2009, Hirst vowed to continue painting and improve. "I don't believe in genius. I believe in freedom. I think anyone can do it. Anyone can be like Rembrandt", Hirst claimed. "With practice, you can make great paintings."
全文訳と質問のご回答ありがとうございました。 とてもよくわかりました。 of whomの個所もよくわかりました。 a mere handful are~のところは主語と補語を逆にすると確かにわかりやすいです。 paradoxの定義もおさえて頂き、総括してくださってありがとうございました。