• ベストアンサー

From Tokyo to Shimane

Would you please show me the way to Shimane. No airplane,no ship.


  • ベストアンサー
  • hiroko771
  • ベストアンサー率32% (2932/9040)

When and means "Shimane PF[島根県]"? Which area(city/town) u go? In Shimane no named "Shimane city" and "Shimane town". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shimane_Prefecture (Can u read Japanese[日本語] page? Jump from side menu of left.) If so OFFICIAL Shimane tourist info(kanko[観光]) web explained. http://www.kankou-shimane.com/en/access/index.html http://www.kankou-shimane.com/eng/spot Send e-mail recommend if still wonder. (address : jump to bottom) http://www.kankou-shimane.com/en/blog/category/useful-info Direct Over night[Sleeper] train LtdExp "Sunrize Izumo[寝台特急サンライズ出雲]" famous operate every nights but needs reserved seat ticket for all cars. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunrise_Izumo http://urx2.nu/fEp1 [timetable/regular fare =no discount (change date at bottom)] Ask at near JR sta with ticket office "midori no madoguchi[みどりの窓口]". http://www.jreast.co.jp/e/stations/index.html Reserved seat ticket sales starts just one month before 10:00am. If u are student of "official" school open "student discount" page like this. http://www.fedu.uec.ac.jp/en/current/everyday-life/commuter-passes/ (other way) By direct over night[highway] bus not recommend just cheaper a bit. http://www.ichibata.co.jp/bus/highway/tokyo.html (need booking before) Tokyo-Kyoto/Osaka as stop over then Kyoto/Osaka - Shimane,PF comfortable. By hitchhiking maybe fun if u have enough time. http://wikitravel.org/en/Hitchhiking_in_Japan http://youtu.be/UCTNjC0QRVQ Basically don't know yr travel date if closer by "Seishun 18(jyu-hachi) kippu[青春18きっぷ]" cheapest now. http://www.jreast.co.jp/e/pass/seishun18.html Just cheapest very hard to use for long distance but fun as slower train travel.



Thanks for your kindess!
