• 締切済み


英訳していただきたいです! 長文で申し訳ないですヽ(´o`; 昔から学問の自由は唱えられてきたが、本当に学生に学問の自由はあるのだろうか。しかし、これではあまりに抽象的な話になってしまう。そこで私は○○大学法学部の△△教授の憲法、□□教授の民法という二つの授業において、○○大学法学部学生に「学問の自由」はあるのかを考えていきたい。二つの授業とも私は履修していているため、学問の自由について述べやすいと考え、この二つの授業を選んだ。学問の自由となると定義があまりにも大きいものになってしまうため、ここでは単純に「自分の意見をのべる自由」と考えていく。 よろしくお願いします!



Although Freedom of scholarship has been advocated from the past, in fact is there real freedom among students? This might seem a too abstract talk. In this regard, I would like to think about [Freedom of scholarship] among students of Law Department of XX University in the two lectures conducted by Constitional Law( XX Professor) and Civil Law(XX Professor). Since I am taking these two lectures, I think that it is easy to describe the freedom of scholarship for and that is also why i chose these two lectures in the first place. In terms of the definition of Freedom of scholarship, it tends to become too big so I would like to define it as [the freedom to describe one's opinions]. 意味を含めて、段落をお分けしました。 以上でいかがでしょうか?


Since the past, many people have claimed academic freedom but is there truly academic freedom in the student? However, this question will lead to too abstract discussion. Therefore, I am going to discuss whether "Academic Freedom" exists in law students in ○○ University who attend lectures of "Constitution" of Prof. △△ and "Civil Law" of Prof. □□ in ○○ University. I chose these two lectures because I thought it would be easier for me, who is taking both lectures, to describe on academic freedom in them. As the definition of academic freedom is enormous, I will regard it simply as " freedom to express one's opinion" here. できるだけ原文に忠実になるよう心掛けて訳してみました。
