生化学系論文の和訳の添削 その12
(1)The amounts of proteins synthesized in microreactor array chip were compared with that in a test tube with RTS 500 using SDS-PAGE electrophoresis following Western blotting as shown in Fig. 3.
(2)An RTS 500 reaction was performed without template DNA to obtain E. coli lysate background (Lane 1).
(3)Three immunoreactive bands with respective molecular masses of 15, 17, and 38 kDa are observed at the same position using the RTS 500 (Lane 2) and using a microreactor array chip (Lane 3).
(4)Because the bands of 20 and 45 kDa are observed even in the absence of the expression DNA, as shown in Lane 1, those bands seem to represent the other proteins contained in the E. coli lysate.
(5)In the A-FABP synthesis, the band of 20 kDa in Lane 3 is very weak compared to those of the other lanes.
(5)A-FABPの合成において,レーン3中の20 kDaのバンドは他のレーンのそれらに比べ非常に弱い.
(6)We surmised that such weakness is attributable to the chemophysical adsorption of the protein of 20 kDa onto the inner surfacess of flow channel and reaction chamber in the microreactor array chip, so that some protein has a large affinity against the PDMS material in our experiment.
(7)The band, which appeared at expected molecular mass of 15 kDa, shows that AFABP was synthesized.
(8)Similarly, the band at 17 kDa corresponding to cyclophilin and the one at 38 kDa corresponding to G3PDH show that they were also synthesized.
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