Exercise stress testing was performed with a 1 or 2 mph Balke protocol. If the subjects could not ambulate on treadmill even at the slowest speed , exercise capacity was assessed with leg cycle ergometry 32. This protocol consisted of 3-min stages, beginning at 150 kpm and increasing 150 kpm/stage. The subjects were instructed to maintain a rate of 50 rpm with the exception of the maximal effort stage. Oeygen consumption (Vo2) was measured during each minute of exercise by open circuit spirometry. Fait and balance measurements were obtained using a modification of the method of Murray et al 33. The measured gait variables included: stride length, velocity, stance time, duration and cadence. Gait measurements were obtained by a videotape motion analysis system. Kinematic(time and distance)measurements of sagittal place movements and kinetic (reaction force )parameters were measured during level walking by using digitized video analysis (Motion Analysis Corp.) and the Kistler force plate, which was mounted in the walkway. Two-dimensional walking patterns were videotaped with normal room light by using two video cameras, one for observational purposes and one for kinematic analysis. Retroreflentive markers were taped to nine standard body landmarks: head, shoulder, tip, iliac crest, second sacral vertebra, knee, ankle, heel and the fifth metatarsal head. A minimum of four gait cycles were videotaped for each subject in each direction with the arms at the side and then crossed, while wearing low-heeled shoes. A gait cycle is the time period from heel strike to heel strike of the same limb as subjects traveled ~20 feet in direction across the walkway. If the subject fatigued while walking, he was allowed to sit and rest. Data ware analyzed on the IBM-AT computer using Expert Vision System software. Kinematic measurements for three representative gait cycles were averaged per side per subject. Under standardized conditions, videotapes of two two-dimensional walking patterns were patterns were obtained with two digital cameras. To identify body landmarks for digital processing of video images, retroreflective markers were taped to the body to identify eight standard landmarks: head, shoulder, hip, knee, ankle, heel, the fifth metatarsal head and a line which bisected the anterior and superior iliac spines. A minimum of four gait cycles were videotaped for each subject in each direction with the arms at the sides and then crossed. The digitized data were averaged for each of the measured gait variables. For postural stability and steadiness testing, the subjects were asked to stand quietly in a comfortable stance near the center of a Kistler force platform, with arms at the side, and look straight ahead at a visual reference for 30 s. Approximately 2nin after the eyes-open trial, the procedure was repeated with eyes closed. The force plate amplifiers were sampled at 100 Hz. The last 20 s of the 30-s trial were analyzed. The x, y and z axial forces platform were used to calculate the anterior-posterior and medial-lateral canter-of-pressure time series. The average distance from the geometric mean center-of-pres-sure and the total excursions of total distance traveled by the center-of pressure were calculated.
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