• ベストアンサー
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Preschool Age Development of Attention

  • During preschool age, children experience significant improvements in their attentional skills.
  • Involuntary attention improves in terms of stability and span.
  • Children learn to focus on important elements in their environment and regulate their behavior accordingly.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

During preschool age considerable gains are noted in the development of attention. Involuntary attention continues to grow with noticeable increase in its stability and span. 未就学年齢の間、特筆されるのは、注意力の発達でかなりの進歩があるということだ。無意識の注意力が、堅実に長きにわたり注目すべき成長をもって成長し続ける。 At this age the child learns to be attentive, ie, he learns to isolate those elements in the surrounding environment that are important in regulating behavior and activity correspondent to the tasks set by adults. この年代の子どもは、注意深くなることを学ぶーーつまり、大人によって用意されたタスク(課題)に応じて、周囲の環境の中の、行動と活動を調整するのに重要な要素を区別することを学ぶのである。 以上でいかがでしょうか?
