What is something that only the old woman can do and has continued to do for thirty years?
The old woman [Mary Ann]… said, “And Wendy, there is something that I have believed for a long time.” “What’s that?” I asked. She said, “Well, I believe that …. I have something that only I can do. So I have continued to take care of children at a children’s home for thirty years. Everyone has something like that. You do, too.” I said, “Something only I can do.…” She said, “Yes, Wendy. I don’t know what it is. You’ll find it some day.”
When I came home, my mother said, “Hello, Wendy. You look very happy.” I said, “Yes, Mother. Someone gave me a treasure for a birthday present today.”
(上掲のサイトのP.8 ll.3-10)
(1)まず、somethingは手元の辞典では "any indefinite or unidentified thing" と説明されており、本文の後で提示される問いなので something ではなくてむしろ the thing that …となっていればよかったんではないかという気がします。
(2)もう一つは、…that only the old woman can do and has continued to do for thirty years の部分です。何かつながりが今ひとつしっくりこないように感じます。
The old woman believes only she can do this thing and so she has continued it for thirty years. What is it?
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