- 締切済み
(1)Yesterday, 4:00 p.m. and a half passed, Mt. Sakurajima which in the Showa crater in Mt. Sakurajima of Kagoshima Prefecture erupted and the 5,000-meter highest ever smoke was observed 100,000 tons of quantity of the ashes which blew off is said, and Kagoshima- city office was busy with the removal work. If Mt. Fuji erupted, the metropolitan area of a metropolitan function was completely paralyzed, and had serious influence on economy or civic life. (昨日の午後4時半過ぎ、鹿児島県の、桜島の昭和火口で、過去最高の5,000メートルの噴煙を観測した。噴出した灰の量は10万トンとも言われ、鹿児島市では、その除去作業に追われている。 もし仮に富士山が噴火したとなると、首都圏は、首都機能は完全にマヒし、経済や市民生活に甚大な影響を及ぼす。)
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- ベストアンサー率28% (1424/5027)
すみません。 最後のところを、 ×would have serious influence... ○will have... としてください。
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- ベストアンサー率28% (1424/5027)
andでつなげないほうがすっきりすると思うけど、とりあえず原文を尊重してざっくり直してみた A little passed 4:30p.m. yesterday, Showa crater of Mt. Sakurajima in Kagoshima pref. had erupted, and 5000 meter, highest ever observed, of volcanic fumes were observed. Over 100,000 tons of ash were said to be fallen, and Kagoshima city are busy with cleaning them. If Mt. Fuji would have erupted, metropolitan function will be completely paralyzed, and would have serious influence on economy and on civil life. http://mainichi.jp/english/english/newsselect/news/20130819p2g00m0dm026000c.html ここに、いくつか参考になる言い回しがある spewing volcanic ash 5,000 meters into the sky Massive amounts of ash fell on Kagoshima City The plume was the highest from the volcano's Showa vent since it became active again in June 2006 などなど
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