• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文)

Need translation for English sentences

  • Could you please provide a translation for the following English sentences:
  • (1) Show me the X-ray. (2) This is the one taken four weeks ago. (3) Rub rub (4) And this is the one taken two weeks ago. (5) Both X-rays look similar, meaning the inflammation is being localized in this region. (6) No... (7) Now, we're going to perform an excision of Meckel's diverticulum. (8) The case is a 14-year-old boy. Had diverticulitis one year ago, but got over it without surgical treatment.
  • (1) Do you get heartburn after you eat or drink? (2) Yes, occasionally. (3) How about nausea? (4) In the worst case, yes. (5) How about your appetite? (6) I don't want to eat much these days.


  • ベストアンサー
  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

(1)Show me the X-ray. レントゲン写真を見せてください。 (2)This is the one taken four weeks ago. これは4週間前に撮ったものです。 (3)Rub rub 擦ってください。 (4)And this is the one taken two weeks ago. で、これは2週間前に撮ったものです。 (5)Both X-rays look similar, meaning the inflammation is being localized in this region. 2枚の写真は良く似ているな、とすると炎症は局所に収まったという訳かな。 (6)No... いや。 (7)Now, we're going to perform an excision of Meckel's diverticulum. おそらく、メッケル憩室の切除を行なうことになるな。 (8)The case is a 14-year-old boy. Had diverticulitis one year ago, but got over it without surgical treatment. 患者は14歳の少年ですよ。メッケル憩室症を患ったのは1年前。外科手術をせずに完治したんです。 (1)Do you get heartburn after you eat or drink? 飲食後に胸焼けがありますか? (2)Yes, occasionally. ええ。時々あります。 (3)How about nausea? 吐き気はありますか? (4)In the worst case, yes. 調子が悪い時にはあります。 (5)How about your appetite? 食欲はありますか? (6)I don't want to eat much these days. この頃は食欲不振です。 (1)I have a terrible toothache. 歯痛がひどいです。 (2)I have had some diarrhea. この所下痢気味です。 (3)I vomited twice yesterday. 昨日は2度ほど戻しました。 (4)I have a slight stomachache. 胃が少々痛みます。 (5)I'm constipated. 便秘なんです。 (6)I feel nauseous. 吐き気があります。



お礼遅くなってすみません(・・;) 解答ありがとうございました♪
