- ベストアンサー
- 『ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石』を見てから、私はアラン・リックマンにファンになりました。彼が演じたセブルス・スネイプ先生の魅力に惹かれ、彼の優しさと強さに感銘を受けました。
- スネイプ先生は周りには優しさを見せず、厳しい態度を取りますが、それが彼の強さであると私は思います。彼は自分を貫き通す人であり、そのためのびりびりした笑顔と目を持っています。
- 私もアラン・リックマンのような優しくて強い人になりたいと思っています。彼から学ぶべきことはたくさんありますが、まずは優しさと強さを両立させることが大切だと感じています。
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
Googleの日本語→英語翻訳で検索したら↓こうなりました。 ~ ~ This became a fan of you from watching the "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone," I am. " I like the teacher Seburusu-Snape and Alan. Snape teacher is a nice person, do not show kindness around. I think It's a place like that is his strength. I first met the person who pierced him like a teacher Snape. You never have yourself firmly around ... not flattering. I respect the teacher very Snape. Then, the teacher came to love me so much Snape is absolutely I believe you have eyes and a smile that is full of kindness and because he played. I love to smile and eyes that are full of Alan's kindness. I was attracted to Alan's eyes I want to be gentle and strong like you, too. Human, even spiritual ... Do you become stronger and gently What can I do? , Please tell me if there is time. As you probably busy, Please Keep it up I support you all the way from Japan. Last but not least, why not you send a photo of your autograph? (Near the portrait filled ← Why sign okay?) Look at it, I think I want to work hard or hard time. So, Be careful in your body. I'm looking forward to answer to come from Alan. I pray for the happiness and health and success and Alan. I love Alan much and always will! 参考にしてください。