Jan-Mar learn english conversation at chember colledge (an english language school in Mlata)
Mar(Paris) go to paris to visit an aiation whichi i ve been in touch with through M}IM}I.
but i couldnt imagine i will work there in my future.
(London) go to London to visit some art galleries.
Apri (Bagio in Phillipines)
brush up my english at a langage school in Bagio
i fell in love to Bagio
May i came back to my home town to save momey and
enjoyed meeting again with some old faces
Jun i landed a job as an english teacher. so much nervous becaouse i was always a student since then.
now im getting used to the office day by day. but i feel im notl still ready to stand on my
own feet yet...
Nov Pan swallwed my heair rubber by mistake, and he was about die,,,
the doctor saied he could be save if you pay 10万 for the operation!! Pan,,,!
you wannna kill me!?
Dec My mom entered hospital for serial injury on her right side of body.
but now she gradually getting better
1~3月 マルタにてチェンバーカレッジで英会話の勉強
3月 (パリ) ミミちゃんをとおして連絡取りあってる芸術団体に会いに行き直接話するために
5月 帰国。超懐かしい顔ぶれにあえて嬉しかった。みんな有難う。
6月 英語教師の仕事にありついたけどちょいナーバスだった…。
11月 PAN(猫)はあたしのヘアゴム誤飲して死にかけた。手術費10万。PAN,あたしを殺す気か。
12月 母入院、右半身をひどく怪我して入院。
→ 英語の場合でも、自分の「日記」ですから特段文体にこだわる必要はないと思います。
Jan-Mar: Learn English conversation at Chamber College (an English language school in Malta)
Mar (Paris): Go to Paris to visit an aiation(?) which I've been in touch with through MIMI. But I couldn't imagine I would work there in my future.
Mar (London): Go to London to visit some art galleries.
Apr (Baguio in Philippines): Brush up my English at a language school in Baguio. I fell in love with Baguio.
May: I came back to my home town to save money and enjoyed meeting again with some old faces.
Jun: I landed a job as an English teacher. Very nervous because I was always a student until then. Now I'm getting used to the office day by day, but I feel I'm still not ready to stand on my own feet...
Nov: Pan swallowed my hair rubber by mistake, and he nearly died!! The doctor said he could be saved if I paid 100,000 yen for the operation!! Pan, you wanna kill me!?
Dec: My mom entered hospital for a serious injury on her right side of body, but now she is gradually getting better.
面倒くさからずに、"i" は "I" としましょう。
英文日記にいきなり「10万」は...。 "100,000 yen" です!
例えばI learned English at Chember college.とすると情報的で無機質な感じがします。
I was learning.... と進行形にすることで、時間軸に幅がでて軽い感じがします。
---. And---. とするよりは---, and---.とした方が文章に繋がりが出て無機質な感じがしないので良いと思います。