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The Principle of the Party and the Control of the SED
- The principle in the song composed in 1950 by Louis Furnberg was the rule: “The Party , the Party is always right and may it stay like that, comrades!
- Because whoever fights for what is right, is always in the right against lies and exploitation.
- The SED thus wielded a wide-ranging control over the activity of the state. The CC of the SED, a deviant form of internal party democracy, a pseudo-parliament within the Party, convened a intervals of a few months, acted as a mouthpiece for the political edicts of the Politburo, only in a few cases did it make use of the control function theoretically ascribed to it in relation to the all-powerful and complacent Party leadership.
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
とてもわかりやすかったです ありがとうございました!!