The number of small family farms in the U.S -massively outproduced and out-priced by a handful of giant agricultural conglomerates- is in sharp decline. Even though the resulting shift in production and distribution means food must be shipped longer distances to reach stores, economies of scale mean such produce has never been more bountiful or cheaper. In that sense, the fact that the food-supply chain is in fewer hands than ever before has certainly benefited consumers.
2)family farmsとconglomeratesは対比されていると思うのですが、では何故このような形で挿入されているのか理解できません。because of とでも文頭にあればわかりやすいのですが。
3)such produce = produce resulted in the shift でしょうか?しかしそうしてしまうと、In that以降の文章との繋がらなくなってしませんか?such produce has been more・・であれば、こちらの理解通りなのですが。
It is imperative that the government implement contingency plans to ensure a stable food supply should economic, environmental or political crises occur.
As one looks around a room, for example, new objects constantly enter one's visual field, and the image on the retina changes as different parts of it are stimulated.
5)この文末のit=the retinaですよね?網膜に詳しくないので、different parts of retinaというのが、しっくりきませんが。
早速の解答有難うございます。…has never been X の訳し方が分かってなかったみたいですね。 勉強になりました。