STEM CELLSの2004年の記事です。
(1)Embryonic stem (ES) cells derive from totipotent cells of the early postimplantation embryo and are capable of unlimited, undifferentiated proliferation in vitro while maintaining the potential to form cell types of all three germ layers.
(2)The bone marrow compartment is largely made up of committed progenitor cells, noncirculating
stromal cells that have the ability to develop into mesenchymal lineages (termed mesenchymal stem cells), and HSCs.
(3)However, reports of participation of hematopoietic cells in neurogenesis, the conversion of adult neural stem cells into hematopoietic cells, and the demonstration that adult mouse neural stem cells can give rise to cells of all germ layers seemed to confirm that differentiation could occur out with the original germ layer.
seemed to confirmが意味不明です。そしてここの文章はどこがメインの主語になるのかもわからずじまいでした。
この文章の後に This challenged the conventional trilaminar view of organ development may exhibit as much pluripotentiality as ES cells.
と続いて 問題で このThisは何を指すか示しなさいと書いてありました。当然ですが上記の文章のどこかを指しているのはわかるのですがそれこそconfirmをしようとすることがchallengedだというのは気付いたのですが訳がわからなかったので対応もできませんでした。
(4)Examination of the host liver demonstrated hepatic cells that were donor derived, as detected by
expression of dipeptidyl peptidase IV enzyme (DPPIV+) in DPPIV– rats or the Y chromosome in female animals.
donar derived, asの訳仕方が分かりませんでした。
(5)The significance of such a survival advantage is confirmed in a transgenic model based on the protective effect of the antiapoptotic gene, Bcl-2, against Fas-mediated cell death. Bone marrow from mice expressing this transgene, under the control of a liver-specific promoter, was infused into normal mice. Some mice underwent repeated injections with a Fas-agonist antibody to induce liver injury, whereas others did not. Only those that had received antibody injections showed mature hepatocytes expressing Bcl-2, implying that transdifferentiation is inefficient under physiological conditions and that tissue injury such as accumulation of toxic catabolites or apoptotic challenge is required to generate a more robust response.
解決しましました。 TとBの活字で代表されるようになったのが「1969年イギリスのロイトが慣用させた」とあり、このときには、ほ乳類では体液性免疫の抗体生産細胞のファブリキウス相当器官無く、骨髄由来であるされて、「胸腺依存」をTというシンボルで、「骨髄依存」をBと標示したとありました。 いろいろありがとうございました。